Right To Be Forgotten

Right To Be Forgotten

Google Image Search De-indexing

In May 2014, Court of Justice of the European Union created precedence in EU by establishing specific personal and corporate data protection – so called right to be forgotten law in the EU which can apply to European citizens globally as well as individuals with European Residency or a European Company.

The Right to be Forgotten Law is an important component of EU privacy and human rights law. An Individual or corporation has the right to request that his or her personal or corporate data be removed from accessibility through any search engine.

The right to be forgotten is being codified General Data Protection Regulation in addition to the right of erasure.

While some search results linking to content on other web pages may remain relevant even after a considerable passage of time, others will not be so, and an individual or company may legitimately request to have it deleted. This deletion may or may not be successful depending on the strength of the case prepared by our firm and the review process established by Google. We have helped many of our clients in over 30 countries to delete their negative content.

We can remove your spend convictions, criminal accusations, professional wrongdoing, or sensitive private information about you (including your religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, images, address, telephone, medical records and financial data.)

Online-Privacy & Protection have the experience and resources to file a defamation removal request direct to the search engine, avoiding costly and time consuming legal suits.

Your private or defamatory information will be de-indexed from the European search results permanently.

    Request A Free Consultation

    For help with online privacy issues please call us now on +44 1622 37 1017 or email us at info@online-privacy-protection.com.