KYC/Due Diligence Reports

KYC/Due Diligence Reports

Online Privacy Protection Facts

It’s not just the risk of potential clients finding damaging information on a person or company online: with the assistance of KYC/Due Diligence reports, such information is deliberately sought out by companies. KYC reports have become common with banks, financial institutions and other companies conducting ‘background checks’ to ensure they do not have any past due dept, do not deal with money-launderers, terrorists, fraudsters, those on sanctions lists, and others deemed to be undesirable.

These organizations typically rely on KYC profiles and data generated by third party providers, such as Thomson Reuters (World Check – Know Your Customer), Kroll Report (Know Your Customer/Third Party Due Diligence) and Dow Jones (Factiva Watchlist/Risk & Compliance Report).

Those providers, in turn, partly rely on press reports and other information from the internet, some of which may be extremely damaging.

With assistance from a specialist adviser, you can often secure major changes to these reports, correcting or removing inaccurate information, so you can do business freely again. Contact us today and get a free analysis. Often an individual will be completely unaware of their “heightened risk” listing until they find themselves facing problems like having their bank accounts closed down or business entities refusing to contract with them.

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